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Start Small Dream Big 2021


For this year 2021 SSDB, we have chosen the topic on under water marine life and marine environments.


This is to raise children's awareness on the importance of marine environments and the animals that live in them; also to equip our teachers with knowledge on marine animals and marine conservation with young learners.


Our K1 and K2 little bright kids were making marine life such as octopus with flour, water and food coloring. Teacher demonstrated the 7 layers of ocean living marines and environments. Children learnt not to throw rubbish, plastic items at the beach to keep our environment clean and safe. 

Start Small Dream Big 2020

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Our preschool has embarked on President Challenge's project: Start Small Dream Big and we have chosen the topic on healthcare heroes.


Since the Covid-19 outbreak in Singapore, our frontliners (mainly the healthcare professionals) have been working very hard to fight this pandemic. A few of our parents who work in hospitals/healthcare are also affected by the outbreak too.


Little bright kids aged 5 to 6 years old have been engaged in various activities to build awareness on the sacrifices our healthcare professionals have to go through. One of the activities that our children did is pressed flower appreciation handicraft to give the healthcare professionals to show gratitude, respect and admiration. Another activity is to put up a performance. This will be recorded and we would like to share it with you. We hope to give our healthcare professionals joy.

Hawksbill Turtle Project 2018

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In collaboration with Nparks, Bright Kids @ 175D had engaged children in an inquiry based project which focused on the importance of conserving the marine life. In this project, children learnt more about the hawksbill turtle and understood that they are critically endangered species. Through the 4 weeks project, children were able to advocate for the importance of marine life and how they could contribute to the well-being of the hawksbill turtle. Towards the end of the project, the children were also given the opportunity to attend the launch of the turtle hatchery on sisters' island to share their learning experiences with the public.


Featured on Straits Time:

North East Eco Kids

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Participated in North East Clean and Green Singapore Carnival 2019. Our Kindergarten students performed at Oasis Terraces Community Plaza with a message keeping Singapore Clean and Green.

We also participated in the ‘North East Green Adventure Workshop’ jointly hosted by the North East Community Development Council and the National Environment Agency. The programme aims to promote environmental awareness among students aged 4 to 8 years old through engaging stories, hands-on activities and fun-filled games to equip them with knowledge on environmental sustainability and the importance of environmental ownership.

NParks Planting Activity

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We also collaborated with Nparks to learn about planting vegetables at home. We invited Ms Mariam, a volunteer for Oasis Community Garden to have a talk with our children and engaged in eggshell planting.

SSDB 2022 (Clean and Green)

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Bright Kids School House @175D embarked on our SSDB project in June 2022. In the spirit of taking small steps for preschoolers to give back to the community and society. We decided on a project closer to home “Our Clean and Green Neighbourhood”. The school is part of the neighbourhood and thus caring and giving back to our neighbouring blocks inculcates the critical values of responsibility to the community and care for others and the environment amongst the children which are critical 21sr century skills. Besides learning, investigating and exploring into the different elements of making our neighbourhood clean and green, the children will be involved in the neighbourhood community by cleaning efforts around the neighbourhood, gardening in the resident garden, creating awareness on a clean and green neighbourhood amongst the residents through flyers and posters and an art display on “Our Clean and Green Neighbourhood”.

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